Bheegi palkon par Social Novel by Iqra Sagheer
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Now we Present, “Bheegi palkon par ” by Iqra Sagheer

BOOK TITLE | Bheegi palkon par (Social Novel) |
Author’s Name | Iqra Sagheer |
Book Category | Social Novel |
Pages | 409 |
Size | 96.7 MB |
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Book Summary : In this social and romantic Novel, the writer Iqra Sagheer tells about a beautiful story This novel shows the dedication and great effort by the Pakisia Secret Service under the leadership of its great spy agent “Imran Ali” and its team mate and they defeat the devil’s of the world. In this book writer try his best to inform the readers about the efforts of Imran Series team that with the believe upon ALLAH, they complete their mission with success and honor and defeat the enemies of their country. This is a great effort by Zaheer Ahmed to write a good novel. I hope you will enjoyed a lot after reading this beautiful novel.
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